
Trauma Recovery

Here are some resources for that may be supportive for healing different types of trauma.

This article from the American Psychological Association is useful for people who have experienced the trauma of any sudden and unexpected disaster whether a car accident or a natural disaster.

Visit this website that comes from the Manitoba Trauma Information and Education Centre for a comprehensive look at trauma in its many manifestations and the steps to recov


Adult Children of Addicted Parents

The impact of growing up in a family where one or both of the parents are addicts is huge. Addiction impacts the quality of contact between parents and their children, can erode trust, create a sense of being different from others and not knowing what “normal” is, impact self-esteem, make it difficult to form secure, positive relationships with others and support a pattern of hyper-responsibility. Unfortunately all these challenges can also set someone up for addictive behavior as well.

Receiving support as an Adult Child of Addicted Parents can be crucial to establish better self-esteem and better adult relationships. Here are some resources that might feel supportive.

This is the site for the Adult Children of Alcoholics Service Organization

If you’ve ever wondered why you behave the way you do, you may feel some affirmation from reading this article that describes some traits that children of alcoholics share.

Al-Anon supports the people who are in relationship with someone with a drinking problem. On this site   you will find some good resources and information about where you can attend a meeting.